Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Need knowledge

I am so excited to move, but overwhelmed on what to start with. I know we are selling all of our big furniture. As well as have to sort through all our stuff and try to toss some stuff. Believe me this isn't easy when your husband is a pack rat and hates to get ride of stuff! Men what are they gonna do. Just playing! I'm afraid that we are not gonna get things done right.
But the good thing is that we have been looking a lot of searching for apartments, jobs, and a vehicle which are all things we have to get or start. This is a risk but, were gonna take it. So pray for us. And suggestions are welcome!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Faith in marriage

Ok, today we had my brother in laws over and we were just sitting around talking. First it started off with cars, then sports, and some how we started talking about God, and the bible and the role of man and woman! Excited, I became cause I always find it interesting what young men these days expect out of women. I decovered that its simple and easy. They want a women like there mother! As well as someone that can listen well and take control at the right moments. Strong, but loving. I was just listening and taking it in, and I have to admit that every women is capible of proforming these simple request. Have to say I learned more in those 30 minutes then I could in a life time of dating. Thank heaven I don't have to date again! I honestly learn something new everyday its a life long adventure with the one you love!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lil'mama is coming to North Carolina

Om gosh, I was speaking to Robbie's cousin and happen to bring up that we wanna bring mama and she said we can bring her! We are so excited because our Lil'mama is our daughter and He wasn't having it. So I had to ask and so far everything we have been praying for has been happening. I've had my doubts, but everyone and everything has been falling into place. I can't help to be excited about this move!
This is Robbie & me!